Great response to our official launch

A moment to be remembered: our official launch with the unveiling of our new logo was – thanks to our numerous and great guests – a special moment for our team and huge motivation to pursue our objectives.

This is how Medienhaus Aachen reports on the launch of our hydrogen cluster:

Here is the report of the Kölner Stadtanzeiger

This was broadcasted by WDR

This is how the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesforschungsministerium) reports on our launch:

More impressions of the event

Our neighbors from Brainergy Park visited our launch with a large team

Just like our neighbors of Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier

HGK Shipping GmbH was a guest at our launch event

We were also able to welcome the representatives of Hydrogen Clusters4Future (Zukunftscluster Wasserstoff)

What else you need to know

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