A moment to be remembered: our official launch with the unveiling of our new logo was – thanks to our numerous and great guests – a special moment for our team and huge motivation to pursue our objectives.
Great response to our official launch

This is how Medienhaus Aachen reports on the launch of our hydrogen cluster:

Here is the report of the Kölner Stadtanzeiger
This was broadcasted by WDR
This is how the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesforschungsministerium) reports on our launch:

More impressions of the event
Our neighbors from Brainergy Park visited our launch with a large team
Just like our neighbors of Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier
HGK Shipping GmbH was a guest at our launch event
We were also able to welcome the representatives of Hydrogen Clusters4Future (Zukunftscluster Wasserstoff)